The 7 Most Important Survival Skills You Must Have

tháng 8 14, 2017

I t only happens in the movies … at least you thought. Your heart races uncontrollably, adrenaline surges through your body and sweat pours down your face … all because of the sudden realization that you’re lost. In the span of a few hours, you have gone from an outdoor adventure to a survival situation.

Will you live or will you die? Every year people venture into the wilderness to enjoy Mother Nature, and every year some of them will run into trouble. The consequences can be death … unless the necessary precautions are taken. And that means go equipped with the following seven skills.

  1. Plan

    Planning: Make it your No. 1 priority. Regardless of the duration of the trip or the location, make a plan. There is an old saying about the five Ps that always rings true: Proper planning prevents poor performance.
    Should something happen to one of them, provide your trip agenda to more than one person. Remember, you can’t be lost if no one knows you’re missing.
    Your trip agenda should have a list of travelers, intended destination, travel route, departure and return times, the number of vehicles (including colors) and license plates. Every detail will serve as a tool to help officials find you, if need be. By all means, don’t vary from the plans. Sure, it is great to be easy-going and flexible, but it’s not so great to be a statistic.

  2. First Aid

    Let’s face it … accidents happen. A gash from a sharp rock while walking to the river’s edge, or a stumble on a slippery slope resulting in a broken arm. Even a simple blister can ruin a perfectly good outing.
    First Aid is an essential skill in the wilderness, and it is easy enough to pick up. Look for various credible sources that teach courses in first aid. This is one skill everyone should have in his arsenal.

  3. Navigation

    Let’s talk navigation. A GPS is great, but you should always have a back-up navigational tool. Every wilderness traveler should learn the art of map and compass reading, just like the old days.
    These tools may be old, but they work and are reliable. If you’re unfamiliar or need to brush off some of the rust of map reading, there are plenty of good resources. Books and DVDs are that explain navigation are available. Another option is to join an orienteering club.
    Now, imagine yourself in the wilderness. When you realize you are lost, stop wondering around. Getting even more off course never helps. Sit down, collect yourself and don’t move until you get your bearings. Next, break out the map.
    If you still don’t have a good fix, don’t move! Search and rescue personnel can find you easier if you aren’t outrunning them. If you have to move or choose to, do not necessarily follow a river … because they do not always lead to civilization. That is a common mistake people make. Make sure

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