The Key To Surviving Any Traumatic Incident Is a Positive Attitude

tháng 8 14, 2017

What are you telling yourself ?

When a crisis hits, the first reaction is denial. Our mind shouts, “Oh, no. This can’t be.” But we quickly realize that it not only can be, but it is happening. What you tell yourself next is crucial. If you tell yourself, “I can’t handle this, I’ll never survive,” you will likely give up.

You have created what is considered a self-fulfilling prophecy. And, in time of severe disasters, giving up equates to dying.

Your very survival depends upon believing you not only can survive, but that you will survive. The single most important aspect of surviving any crisis—whether a devastating hurricane, a terrorist attack or a family tragedy—lies in your mind. More specifically, your ability to react, survive and overcome any crisis depends upon your mindset … the messages you give yourself. “But I don’t know for sure that I will survive,” you may be thinking.

True, you don’t know for sure that you will survive, but, you don’t know for sure that you won’t. So, you have a choice: believe you will or believe you won’t survive. As Thomas Ford once observed: “If you think you can or if you think you can’t, you are probably correct.” Be aware of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the messages, or self-talk, that determine your emotions and your behavior.


Mental Rehearsal

Another helpful strategy for developing a survival mindset is to use mental rehearsal. When you read or see reports of disasters in other areas, think about how you would react.

Mentally rehearse what you would do in the same situation. Think about specific actions you would take in dealing with the crisis. Also think about how you could be better prepared to cope. For instance, do you keep supplies of batteries, flashlights, First Aid kits, non-perishable food, etc.? If not, consider doing so.

Mentally rehearse what thoughts would be racing through your head. Identify the thoughts that would contribute to negative feelings and replace them with positive messages.

Mentally rehearsing your plan of action and your self-talk can be a sort of psychological fire drill to prepare you for the real thing.

Where It Began

When things seem really bad, consider a line from the “Lord of the Rings” novel. “If you can say, ‘This is the worst thing that could happen,’ it means it is not the worst thing that could happen.”
Remember, survival begins and ends in your mind. Good thinking gives good results.

Coping statements
Facing some adversity? Some seemingly over- whelming challenge? Replace your negative thoughts with positive coping statements. Here are a few examples.
• I can do this!
• I won’t give up!
• It may seem rough, but I’ll get through this.
• When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
• Quitters never win, and winners never quit

The element of surprise

When the massive quake struck Los Angeles in 1994, there was no warning. Just … Read the rest

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